Sunday, October 21, 2012

~Author's Day~

~Author's Day~

Hello Everyone,

I am going to start preparing my blogs to feature other Authors,its never all about me and I ma more than willing to help others. If you are interested in doing this, please reply below.For the most part, I will need your picture (s), synopsis/excerpt, contact information and where your book(s) can be ordered from. Any other information you want to include is fine or if you would like an interview, I'm going to create those questions as well. I have one set up for a friend in January (this is where the idea came from) and one for December. I'm clear anytime in between so please put a mark on your spot=)=)



  1. I am interested in participating.Do you want me to post info on here or email it to you.

  2. You can email it, to
